Will You Happen, Past the Silence, Through the Dark? Remembering Leonard Ralph Casper
Will You Happen, Past the Silence, Through the Dark?: Remembering Leonard Ralph Casper
PALH 2022
ISBN: 9781953716200 (sc) -Find this in Amazon
ISBN: 9781953716231 (hc
EBOOK - Barnes&Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Apple Books, Scribd, Tolino, OverDrive, Bibliotheca, Baker&Taylor, Vivlio, BorrowBox
Filipino novelist, Linda-Ty-Casper -- the author of this biography, says this
book is the Memoir that her husband Leonard Ralph Casper did not get to write.
Born in Fond du Lac Wisconsin in 1923, Leonard Casper had a full life as a
writer, an academic, a literary critic until he passed away in 2018. Among his many achievements he is noted for his criticism books of Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Penn Warren. Casper is known as an expert on Philippine Literature.
Ty-Casper collects the letters to and from Leonard Casper, letters which
reflect who he was to many friends, high school classmates, teachers and
professors, colleagues in the Universities of Rhode Island, Ateneo University
of Manila, University of the Philippines and Wisconsin, from editors of
Southwest Review who encouraged Len to send stories from the European front
during World War II; from Robert Penn Warren starting with his first letter of
inquiry (two pages) when he began on his dissertation at the University of
Wisconsin, the dissertation becoming the first book on Warren, which critics
said showed the way for later books on the Southern writers. There are letters
from Filipino writers Len grew to know as friends from years of teaching in the
BIO of Author:
Ty-Casper’s short stories and novels have been published in the Philippines and
abroad. “The character of their wisdom and strength give the stories their distinct
nationality”: Mauro Avena. They “must first be read as information…then as
knowledge, which is power, which empowerment leads to wisdom…”: Franz
Arcellana. The novels, both historical and contemporary, are set in periods
critical to the country, beginning with the Spanish to the American period, up
to the martial law years.
She was a
member of the UP Writers, Radcliffe Fellow, Wellesley P.E.N. Women, the Boston
Authors which was founded in 1909 by Julia ward Howe. Among her honors are the
Southeast Asia WRITE Award. Her degrees are from the University of the
Philippines and Harvard. A resident of the United States, she has remained a
citizen of the Philippines.
Joel Pablo Salud writes a book review for Santelmo: Liwanag Sa Dilim (#7, Sept. 21, 2022) "Will You Happen, Past the Silence, Through the Dark: A Life in Letters",
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Author Bios
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