Lives Remembered, A Memoir


Lives Remembered, A Memoir

by Linda Ty-Casper

PALH 2025, 192 pages

ISBN 9781953716460 (sc)

ISBN 9781953716477 (hc)

The award-winning novelist describes her work this way: “This memoir is about the lives of all the people who have become a part of me and made me who I am.”

In her Memoir, Ty-Casper pours her heart into sentences that bring to life the people, places, experiences, and memories that, at the age of 94 remain precious to her. She starts with her earliest memories describing where she lived and the people who populated her world then. There is Nanay the Grandmother who had seven children, and who became widowed, moved to Manila with her four daughters, and there played at the gaming tables to help support her family. This grandmother told Linda stories about the Philippine revolution against Spain, the war with the Americans, and who used to tell her, “Someone should write this story, the story of my life.” The young Linda took her grandmother’s words to heart and eventually wrote historical novels and other books, over 18 in total, including the recently reissued Three-Cornered Sun (Exploding Galaxies 2024).

She received the SEA Write Award, the ALIWW Parangal and FAWN, among others; grants from Harvard, Radcliffe, Wheatland; residences include Bellagio Rockefeller Center, Djerassi, Siliman, UP Writers.

Book Trailer of Lives Remembered -


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